Monday, January 28, 2013

LoveSick review love rolling in!

A Taste of Dawn (Garcia) said some beautiful things about LoveSick after last night's performance and gave me a particularly glowing mention ... "Mother, who needed to be loved by the wrong men, her demise and journey will rip into your soul.  Vanessa Vaughn took my breath away. Her performance was nothing short of perfection.  She pulled so much out of me – I hurt when she hurt.  And as you watch “mother” on stage, you are mesmerized by her entire presence.” 

So nice to see that Dawn clearly loved our ensemble and the overall production, too... “As the story continues to unfold, you will feel everything. You will know that what you’ve witnessed is nothing short of genius. It’s quick witted, phenomenally acted, and deeply soul stirring. You will laugh, cry, gasp, feel turned on and want to get on stage and be a part of it all.  LOVESICK is brilliant. In every way. I would like to see this on a bigger platform. It deserves to be on Broadway. It deserves to be it’s own film. It is far too powerful to stay confined and I hope to see it get the exposure it deserves.”

Read the full review here...

Now go to for your tickets!

*I am NOT onstage 2/2 & 2/3*
I'm shooting a film and it unfortunately conflicts so an understudy is jumping in for me.  While I'm excited to be on set, I'm already feeling separation anxiety!  Can't imagine what I will feel this weekend.  Something similar to what parents feel when they first leave a baby with a sitter perhaps?  Eek!

But the show is amazing and deserves a packed house every weekend!  So see it this weekend and then come back again on 2/9, 2/10, 2/16, 2/17, 2/23 & 2/24 to see me :)

Missing theatre work to do film work, I know, I know... It's a good problem, yes!  Believe you me, a well paid acting gig is the ONLY reason I would ever want anyone to step in for this role.  I originated Mother almost three years ago and this is the 4th incarnation of our show.  I'm in love and sick for her!

Come see the show and you will be, too.

*Big thanks to Dawn for supporting LoveSick and writing such a glorious review for us.  I'm happy to have met her and excited to keep up with her adventures and writing at

Thursday, January 3, 2013

LoveSick back in LA on 1/19/13!

Come see our beautiful production... NY critics loved it, and you will, too!

LoveSick #1 on Artswire's NY 2012 Top Ten Theatre Picks!

LoveSick's FringeNYC 2012 production got another glowing review from from Mateo Moreno of ~ he deemed LoveSick as #1 on his top ten NY theatre picks of 2012 and also said "Vanessa Vaughn was heartbreaking as Benjamin's mother...".

See Mateo's entire top ten list at 

*LoveSick opens in LA Saturday, January 19, 2013 at 8PM!*
**Performances are Saturdays @8PM and Sundays @7PM through February 24th**
***Get tickets and info at***

Portrait of Mother in LoveSick 
Photo courtesy Matt Harbicht

I'm honored to have originated the role of Mother in LoveSick... and so happy to have been in the show since it's original LA production in the summer of 2011.  Taking LoveSick to FringeNYC in August 2012 was a highlight of my 21 years doing theatre.  I'm excited to see where else this show will go...

Hope to see you in our audience soon!